Yatoura London

Hayati | Oil


Introducing the captivating allure of Hayati Eau de Parfum, a fragrance that epitomises the intimate connection between two souls. Crafted to evoke a sense of seduction and intimacy, Sensual unveils a symphony of notes that tantalize the senses.

At the forefront, vibrant Bitter Orange and zesty Lemon Zest intertwine, infusing the scent with a burst of energy. Transitioning seamlessly, the heart notes unfold, revealing an aromatic blend with hints of fresh spice, igniting passion and desire. Finally, the fragrance settles into a sultry base of Dry Wood, Amber, and Musk, creating an irresistible aura of warmth and sensuality.

Sensual: a harmonious fusion of desire and allure. Elevate your essence and embrace the magnetic attraction within. Experience Sensual, and let your fragrance tell a tale of intimacy and connection.

Fragrance Notes:

Top: Bitter Orange, Lemon Zest

Middle: Aromatic, Fresh Spicy

Base: Dry Wood, Amber, Musk

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